Bristol Art Museum “A Small Point of Land”

South County Art Association “Resilience”

Wickford Art Association “Earthly Elements”, “Buffalo Map” awarded 2nd Place

Bristol Art Museum Juried Show “ Black and White”

Portsmouth Art Guild 2023 Member’s Showcase

Windows on Pawtucket : “Pawtucket Skyline- Day” installed at the Blackstone Valley Visitors Center by Art League R.I. and the Pawtucket foundation, awarded 2nd Place

“Lighthouses and Bridges” installed at Deblois Gallery’s Art Outside

“Rose Island Lighthouse” included in Art League of Rhode Island Arts Festival Exhibition

“Paradise Valley” included in Pawtucket Art Collaborative Exhibit “ TEXT”

“Terra Forms” at Deblois Gallery for Aquidneck Island Earth Week

Murals and Art Outside At Deblois Gallery