BFA School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Art Ed. Certification, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont
“Pawtucket Skyline” a 4’x8’ mural painting permanently installed at Workingman Distillers in Pawtucket
South County Art Association “ From Where I Stand”
Imago Foundation for the Art “Dare to Create” an Exhibition of work by RI Art Educators
Rose Island Foundation Artist in Residence on Rose Island in Narragansett Bay September 16th - 22nd, 2024, On Site Exhibition September 22
Awarded the 2024 ARTIST AWARD from the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Newport County in support of my Aquidneck Land Trust Series
TFG Green Airport “Green Space Gallery”, a Collaboration between RISCA and the Airport Corporation, Seven Mural Paintings installed
“ At the Reservoir” mural painting installed in the Dorothy Hamilton and Family Save the Bay Aquarium, Newport
South Coast Art Association Members’ Show
Imago Foundation for the Arts “ Borders, Boundaries and Beyond”, Juried show
Warwick Center for the Arts “ Talkin’ Trash”, Juried
Portsmouth Arts Guild “ All Things Edible”
Wickford Art Association “Color and Light”, Juried
South County Art Association “Paint , Print and Drawing Annual”, Juried
Wickford Art Association “ In Between the Lines”, Annual Paint, Print and Drawing, Juried
Rhode Island Natural History Invitational Exhibit “ Artists on Expeditions”, East Farm, URI Campus, Kingston
Portsmouth Arts Guild Members’ Show
Deblois Gallery, Coordinator, “ Aspirations”, Annual Aquidneck Island High School Art Show and Works on Paper from the Anthony Quinn Foundation
South County Art Association, “Resilience”, a Juried Show, “Buffalo Map, inspired by “GHOSTS” a poem by Mary Oliver” awarded Second Place
Bristol Art Museum “A Small Point of Land”, Juried Show, Honorable Mention for “Topo Map Self Portrait”
Bristol Art Museum at Rogers Free Library, Juried Show, “ Odessey”
DEJ Gallery at the Pennfield School “ Earth from Space”
Warwick Center for the Arts Rhode Island Art Educator’s Exhibit
Wickford Art Association “Putting it all on Paper”, Juried Show
Annex Windows on Broadway, Newport
Deblois Gallery Annual Members’ Show
South County Art Association Members’ show
“Brenton Point” Mural Painting installed at Newport YMCA
Art League Rhode Island “ Art Speaks”, Juried Show
Art League Rhode Island Members Show
SouthCoast Artists Inc., Members Invitational at Sprout Co-Working Gallery, Pawtucket
Portsmouth Art Guild “ Imagined Spaces”, “Buffalo Map” awarded 2nd Place by Juror, Michael Rose
“Pawtucket Skyline: Slater Mill” mural painting installed in the Blackstone Valley Visitors Center
Bristol Art Museum at Rogers Free Library, Juried Show, “Odyssey”, part of Bristol Bookfest 2023
Wickford Art Association “ Earthly Elements”, Juried Show, “Buffalo Map, inspired by “Ghosts” a poem by Mary Oliver” awarded 2nd Place,
read an excellent Review in The Independent by Stephanie Bernaba
Portmouth Arts Guild 2023 Members Showcase
Bristol Art Museum at Rogers Free Library, “ Black and White”, Juried Show
Deblois Gallery HOME an Exhibition of work by 11 Artists for Earth Day 2023
Coordinator, Aquidneck Island High School Art Show with Sculptures from the Anthony Quinn Foundation
Pawtucket Foundation, “Windows on Pawtucket” , a Juried exhibition coordinated by the Pawtucket Foundation and Arts League RI
“ Pawtucket Skyline: Slater Mill” awarded Second Place in ‘Windows on Pawtucket”
Art League of Rhode Island, Arts Festival Exhibition
Pawtucket Arts Collaborative, “TEXT”, a Juried Show
“Sense of Place” Exhibit at Coggleshell Farm, Bristol, RI
Art Outside at Deblois Gallery “Lighthouses and Bridges’
“Terra Forms” at Deblois Gallery, for Aquidneck Island Earth Week
Deblois Gallery’s 29th Annual Member’s Show
Coordinator, Aquidneck Island High School Art Show at Deblois Gallery
Wickford Art Association Annual Art and Poetry Exhibition “COLOR”, a Juried Show
Commissioned illustrations for “ The Teacher Toolbox for a Calm and Connected Classroom” by Joanna Schwartz
Deblois Gallery Mural Project receives Artist Award from Arts and Cultural Alliance of Newport County
“Found at the Reservoir” Mural paintings donated to Save the Bay Aquarium and Education Center, Newport
“Brenton Point” Mural painting from the “HOPE” mural donated to Clean Ocean Access
“Artists for the Ocean” at Clean Ocean Access
Deblois Gallery Members Show
Deblois Gallery exhibition “The Print Show”
Spring Bull Gallery Juried Show “ Spring Fever”
Wickford Art Association Juried Show “ Push, Pull, Print”
Coordinator, Aquidneck island High School Art Show at Deblois Gallery
“Naturally Abstract” at Deblois Gallery
Deblois Gallery Members Show
Spring Bull Gallery Juried Shows “ Favorite Views and Places” and “Everything Summer”
Wickford Art Association Juried Show, Poetry and Art, “TRANSITIONS”
Wickford Art Association Juried Show ,“Art of the Ocean State”
Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, Vt., Online Juried Show “Pigment and Paper”
North Dakota Museum of Art Online Gallery, “Art in Isolation”
Bromfield Gallery, Boston, Juried Show, “Sizzle”
“Artists for the Bay” at Save the Bay
Rhode Island Natural History Survey Annual Exhibition at URI
Coordinator, Aquidneck Island High School Art Show at Deblois Gallery
Tile Installations and Tape Art Murals at the Martin Luther King Community Center, Newport
Rhode Island Natural History Survey Annual Exhibition at URI
Artists for the Bay at Save the Bay
Bromfield Gallery, Boston, “Wet” Juried Show of New England Artists
Deblois Gallery “ Signs of Life”
Deblois Gallery Members’ Show
Murals at Save the Bay Aquarium and Education Center, Newport
Coordinator, Aquidneck Island High School Art Show at Deblois Gallery
Deblois Gallery “ Water and Wood”
Deblois Gallery Members Show
RIAEA Exhibit, Salve Regina University, Dorrance H. Hamilton Gallery
Newport Art Museum Annual Members’ Juried Show
Accepted onto RISCA Teaching Artist Roster
Pennfield School, Theater Tech. Coordinator for “ Lion King” Disney Musical
Newport Art Museum Annual Members Juried Show
Deblois Gallery Members Show
Deblois Gallery “Visions”
Hunter Gallery, St. George’s School, Solo Show, “ Anthropocene”
Pennfield School, Theater Tech. Coordinator for student production of “ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
Deblois Gallery “ Water and Wood”
Newport Art Museum Annual Members’ Juried Show
Portsmouth Arts Guild Group Show
Hera Gallery, Associate Member Show, “Summer Work”
Deblois Gallery” June Show”
Hera Gallery “ Summer Work”
Spring Bull Gallery Juried Show “Nocturne”
Newport Children’s Theater 12’x30’ backdrop for “Oliver!”
Tape Art Mural “Where I Live”, a traveling Installation made by students at the Martin Luther King jr. Community Center and supported by the Newport Art Museum, Bank Newport and Martin King Jr. Community Center
Hera Gallery, “Paint”, a National Juried Show
Hera Gallery “Small Works”, a National Juried Show
Newport Art Museum, Members Juried Show
Spring Bull Gallery, “Little Picture Show”
2010 Whitewater Gallery, East Hardwick, Vermont “Earth and Sky”
2008 Teacher Kits, Aquidneck History, Kit #1: “Native American and European Settlements”, by Mandy Howe and Mattie Edwards Kemp, Available at Salve Regina University’s McKillop Library, Newport
2006 Hunter Gallery, St. Georges School: “William H. Drury Retrospective”, Curator
2004 Deblois Gallery “ Constructions”
Hunter Gallery, St. Georges School, “Recent Work”
Exhibitions in Vermont include the Fleming Museum in Burlington, Johnson Center for the Arts in Johnson, Catamount Arts St. Johnsbury, the Hardwick Town House, Stowe Center for the Arts and “Living the Landscape” in The Garage, Montpelier, Vermont
2024-2025 Pennfield School RISCA Project Grant for Education, Classroom Art Activities in D.E.J. Classes grades 5-8
IYRS Sailor Valentine’s Workshops
LInoleum Block Printing Workshops
Portsmouth Arts Guild Linoleum Block Printing Workshop for Adults
South County Art Association “Discovering Acrylics”(Adults)
IYRS ( International Yacht Restoration School and Technical Trades) Sailor Valentines and Linoleum Block Printing Workshops for Adults
Portsmouth Public Library Linoleum Block Print workshops for Teens and Adults
Portsmouth Arts Guild “ EcoArt Vacation Camp” for Aquidneck Island Earth Week
Newport Art Museum WET PAINT CAMP ages 9-12
Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, Art Programs for Adults and Out of School Elementary School students
Newport Art Museum Coleman Center, Classes for HomeSchoolers
Newport Restoration Foundation at Prescott Farm “Printing from Nature” onsite video
RISCA Project Grant for Education:
“Where I Live” Martin Luther King jr. Community Center: Tile Installations & Tape Art Murals, Art Program for Lighthouse Pre-School, After School Art and Community Art
Newport Art Museum Coleman Center
Classes for Homeschool Groups, Adult Beginning Painting, Wet Paint Camp
Deblois Gallery Artist Workshops
RISCA Project Grant for Education: “ Art Around the World”, classes for children and adults, Martin Luther King jr. Community Center
Newport Art Museum Coleman Center, Wet Paint Camp ages 9-12, Adult Beginning Painting, classes for Homeschool Groups
RISCA Project Grant for Education: “Creative Collaborations”Lighthouse Pre-School, After School Time and Community Art @ Martin Luther King jr. Community Center
Newport Art Museum: Portfolio Class for Homeschoolers,Adult Beginning Painting, Wet Paint Camp for Kids
The Pennfield School, Portsmouth, RI
Art Teacher Grades 6-8: Designed Curriculum to include Foundation Skills, Multi Cultural Arts and Creative Problem solving
Theater Tech. Coordinator and Set Painter for student productions: “ELF”, “The Lion King”, “ Little Mermaid”, “Alice in Wonderland” , “Cinderella”, “Peter Pan”, and “Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory”
Sets and Paintings for Annual Lower School Plays and Focus Units
Director, SummerArts Camp
Bradley Hospital Schools Art Program : Holiday Cards and Weekly Workshops
Newport Art Museum Coleman Center: Children’s Classes and Camps, Adult Beginner Painting Classes
Outreach: Newport Boys and Girls Club, Thompson Middle School, Pell School, Martin Luther King jr. Community Center,
St. Andrew’s School: Barrington, RI Director, Summer Art Program “Masterpiece Art”
2008 A.C.E. Teacher Kits: Social History of Aquidneck History, Kit #1: “Native American and European Settlements”, by Mandy Howe and Mattie Edwards Kemp
Available at Salve Regina University’s McKillop Library, Newport
CitiArts, Providence, RI Visiting Artist at Highlander Charter School
New Urban Arts Visiting Artist “ Art of the Archives”
Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Instructor, EDC 316 “Teaching the Fine Arts”
Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI : Instructor, EDU 519 “ Integrating the Fine Arts”
Lakeview Union Elementary School, Greensboro, VT.
Riverside Day School, Lyndonville, Vt.
G.R.A.C.E. (Grass Roots Art and Community Efforts) Hardwick,Vt., Workshops for Community artists
Vermont State Council on the Arts, Artist in Residence, four one-room schoolhouses, Northeast Kingdom, Vermont